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Professional Corporate Videography,
Storytelling, and Editing

SAP Intern Experience Live Event

Solo shoot and edit live events with rapid turnover
1 day shoot, 1 day rough cut (unfinished video)
Storytelling through B-roll footage and interview edit
Canon T3i, Premiere Pro, After Effects

PG&E Design Thinking Workshop Interview

Solo shoot, direct, interview, and edit workshop interviews
Add creative and personable flare to interview content through editing
Sony A7, Premiere Pro, After Effects

SAP Blockchain Consortium Workshop

Collaboratively shoot, direct, and edit workshop recap video
Led feedback meeting to recieve and implement project team's input
Applied corporate brand templates
Canon T3i, Premiere Pro, After Effects

It's time to do things!

Upbeat motion graphics with music
4th iteration, fits Snowflake's branding
modifiable AE project

Get in touch

Contact Info

Calvin Kim


email :
